
Giulio Bonasera Shares New Illustrations for On Point Magazine

Jan 18, 2019

Giulio Bonasera shares some brand-new editorial work for On Point Magazine (part of Harvard Business Review).

The first, “Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life”, accompanies a recent article on becoming a more productive, and ultimately more fulfilled, person. This can, according to the article’s writer Stewart D. Friedman, be done by integrating work, home, community, and self, rather than pitting them all against each other.

Giulio’s second illustration opens an article titled “The Overcommitted Organization”, which talks about the ways in which sharing employees across multiple teams can be a challenge, but also how to that challenge can be turned into a benefit.

Further editorial illustrations from Giulio Bonasera are on the horizon, so stay tuned for more updates!

Copyright Giulio Bonasera
Copyright Giulio Bonasera
Copyright Giulio Bonasera
Copyright Giulio Bonasera